In-School Counseling

Founded in 2005, The Rainbow Kidz Grief Counseling Program provides in-school grief support groups at schools across Iredell County over two 10-week semesters. The program's licensed clinical social workers use a proven curriculum to teach students healthy coping skills to address their grief needs. The school groups also provide a safe environment for students to express their feelings and form bonds with others facing similar experiences. The Rainbow Kidz Grief Counseling program is provided at no cost to schools and families thanks to the generous support of our local community. 

Meredith Fleming, LCSW, Rainbow Kidz Counselor is seen here with a Rainbow Kidz group at a local elementary school.  

Help us continue serving our community with compassion, comfort and dignity.

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Statesville Office

2347 Simonton Road
Statesville, NC 28625
Phone: 704-873-4719
Map & Directions

Mooresville Office

1325 Mecklenburg Highway
Mooresville, NC 28115
Phone: 704-663-0051
Map & Directions